Following guide details the steps required for:
– Using the Zoom App
– Adding the Zoom App (Only applicable to Astrologers)
– Removing the Zoom App (Only applicable to Astrologers)

How-to Use Zoom App

In order to use the Zoom App, a valid booking needs to be in place. If you need help creating a booking, visit Booking Guide.

When a booking is made, a Zoom Meeting is automatically created on behalf of the Astrologer for the booking session at Date/Time of booking. Follow steps below after a booking has been made:

1. Login and visit your Bookings page

2. Find and open your booking

3. Click the ‘Join Meeting‘ link at your booking time to launch Zoom Meeting page.

4. Click ‘Launch Meeting’ to start meeting in Zoom app or click ‘Launch Meeting’ button again to select ‘join from your browser’ option

How-to Add Zoom App (Only applicable to Astrologers)

1. Hover over your profile name in the header and select ‘Settings

2. Scroll down to Zoom section

3. Click on ‘Connect Zoom‘ button. You will be re-directed to Zoom login page, login using your Zoom username and password

4. Review Application Permissions for AstroHub App and Allow shared access permissions to create and delete meetings on your behalf. You will be redirected to settings page where under Zoom you will now have Disconnect Zoom button.

That’s it! Zoom AstroHub app is now connected to your AstroHub account.

How-to Remove Zoom App (Only applicable to Astrologers)

1. Hover over your profile name in the header and select ‘Settings

2. Scroll down to Zoom section

3. Click on ‘Disconnect Zoom‘ button

That’s it! Zoom AstroHub app is now disconnected from your AstroHub account and Zoom Meeting will no longer be created automatically.


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