Join our expert Astrologer Team today by following steps below. You will need :
– A valid Email account
– A valid Zoom account – to facilitate all your astrology sessions. Sign up for a free account here

Create AstroHub Account

1. Navigate to AstroHub Homepage and click on ‘Sign In‘ link in header

2. Click on ‘Register‘ link next to ‘Dont have an account yet?

3. Enter your ‘Email’ and set a strong ‘Password‘. Click ‘Register‘ when you are ready.

4. Your account is now created

Setup your AstroHub Astrologer Profile

1. Click on ‘List a Service‘ button in the header

2. Add your personal details

  • Profile Image – we recommend a professional image
  • First and Last Name

3. Add your Astrology Profile details

  • Type of Astrology – select all the Astrology fields you specialise in (multiple options allowed)
  • Language – select the languages you offer for the Astrology sessions
  • Experience – specify your experience in number of years
  • Profile Info – detail your profile information and be sure to include all your expertise and experience

3. Add your booking preference and availability

  • Booking Offset and Booking Window – indicate notice required and preference for advanced booking
  • Booking Days and Time – days you are available for booking and time window
  • Booking Slot Interval – time required between bookings for admin activities, break etc
  • Manually accept new bookings – We recommend this to be ticked so that you can review booking before accepting them. Tick to review bookings before they are accepted and confirmed. If unticked, bookings from customers will be automatically accepted on your behalf.

4. Click ‘Save Changes’ when done to submit your profile details. You will be directed to the Listing details page, see below section for more information.

Submit your Astrology Service Listing

1. Select Type of Astrology in ‘Category‘ your Service is related to. You can have multiple different listing for each of your specialisation.

2. Add Images for your service details page

3. Set your service listing Title, Price for this service and the Type of Astrology this service relates to

4. Select Languages for this particular service and any Tags for the service listing

5. Add detailed Description for the service and what is offered

6. Set the Booking Slot Duration in minutes

7. Click Submit Listing button when you are ready

Connect your Zoom account

1. Hover over your profile name in the header and select ‘Settings

2. Scroll down to Zoom section

3. Click on ‘Connect Zoom‘ button. You will be re-directed to Zoom login page, login using your Zoom username and password

4. Review Application Permissions for AstroHub App and Allow shared access permissions to create and delete meetings on your behalf. You will be redirected to settings page where under Zoom you will now have Disconnect Zoom button.

That’s it! Your booking will now be submitted and available for customers to see under the Astrology Services and also when viewing under your Profile


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